Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Far-Infrared Visual Sensors

PRIMA has worked with Schneider Electric on embedded image analysis algorithms for a new generation of far-infrared visual sensors. The objective is to develop an integrated visual sensor with very low power consumption. Such systems can be used to estimate temperature in different parts of a room, as well as to provide information about human presence and human activity.

Learning Routines in a Smart Home

PRIMA is working with Orange Labs on techniques for observing activity and learning routines in a smart home. Activity is observed by monitoring use of electrical appliances and Communications media (Telephone, Television, Internet). Activities are described using Bayesian Situation Modelling techniques demonstrated in earlier projects. A log of daily activities is used to discover daily routines expressed as temporal sequences of contexts, where each context is expressed as a network of situations.

Experiments will be performed using the LovelyLoft Smart home living lab that has been constructed as part of the EquipEx Amiqual4home.